Both the spirituality in organizations
and managerial issues have been addressed through different religion-based
beliefs. In this article, one intends to enlarge it through the
perspective of the Spiritist Doctrine (SD).
Thus, it reviews the SD literature,
as well as spirituality in organizations theory to find common views.
In addition, it (1) argued that SD tenets, codified by Allan Kardec,
also bring helpful contributions to work settings that differ from
the traditional religion approaches and (2) discussed its implications
to managers’ spiritual development. It is posited that the
SD tenets, while building on and expanding Jesus Christ’s
teachings, disclose us some severe implications related to our future.
In a broader view, SD tenets provide important warnings that encompass
people work lives as well.
Finally, we depict a framework that
embraces corporate life coupled with some factors that may likely
build and enhances one’s spiritual progress, the potential
spiritual rewards derived from these factors, and the loci where
the rewards are enjoyed.
Journal of Business Ethics (2010)
DOI 10.1007/s10551-009-0243-5