Espiritualidade e Sociedade

Julie Beischel

>    “Well, actually...” - Responses to Common Misconceptions about Mediums

Artigos, teses e publicações

Julie Beischel
>   “Well, actually...” - Responses to Common Misconceptions about Mediums
>   Respostas a equívocos comuns sobre médiuns



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Texto inicial:

It’s not surprising there’s a lot of misinformation about mediums out there. It’s a controversial topic that is often in conflict with various worldviews, religious beliefs, neuroscience, and, seemingly, common sense. We weren’t taught about mediumship in grade school even though it has been practiced in cultures all over the world for eons. As far as I know, there are no Small Persons-type toys that are mediums like there are for cowboys, farmers, police officers, firefighters, carpenters, plumbers, pirates, and even angry gentlemen with hats. The popular media doesn’t help matters with its regular misrepresentations and sensationalism. So, whenever I encounter errors in thinking about mediums, I try to do what I can to correct them.

For example, when I spend time with my uncle Harold* (say, at a holiday dinner table) his first question is always, “Now, what is it that you do again? You talk to dead people?” This is often accompanied by eyerolling and a smirk. Then I explain that I am Director of Research at the Windbridge Research Center where I design and perform controlled research studies with psychic mediums, people who experience regular communication with the deceased. I remind him that I am not a medium, but I work with a team of scientifically tested mediums and study their accuracy, experiences, and unique characteristics. Harold then (say, after a couple of egg nogs) launches into a barrage of erroneous statements that I try to calmly correct. Below is an example of one of our conversations. And if Uncle Harold ever says, “Prove it!” or “Wait, what?” I point him to the resources listed as ‘To learn more.’

You may have heard or will hear similar statements from people in your own life. Feel free to use my responses below as your own. (It is not recommended, however, that these responses be used to get in arguments with angry people with entrenched worldviews and overactive amygdalas from the Internet nor with individuals on whom you depend for a ride home.)

*I don’t have an Uncle Harold. He is fictional and was created for the purpose of this document. The photo is clipart. Harold is an amalgam of people and opinions I’ve encountered. Please play along.


-> texto completo em pdf (em inglês) - clique aqui para acessar -






Leiam de Julie Beischel,
 Beyond Reasonable: Scientific Evidence for Survival
 Contemporary methods used in Laboratory-based mediumship research
 “Well, actually...” - Responses to Common Misconceptions about Mediums

Julie Beischel; Mark Boccuzzi
 Experiences, Business Practices, and Familial Characteristics of Secular American Mediums
 Objective Analyses of Reported Real-Time Audio Instrumental Transcommunication and Matched Control Sessions: A Pilot Study

Julie Beischel; Adam J. Rock
 Adressing the Survival versus PSI debate through Process-Focused Mediumship
seta dupla verde claro direita  Quantitative Analysis of Research Mediums’ Conscious Experiences during a Discarnate Reading versus a Control Task: A Pilot Study

Julie Beischel; Adam J. Rock; Christopher C. Cott
seta dupla verde claro direita  A qualitative investigation of mediums’ phenomenology comparing psychic readings and ostensible communication with the deceased

Julie Beischel; Adam J. Rock; Gary E. Schwartz
seta dupla verde claro direita  Thematic Analysis of Research Mediums' Experiences of Discarnate Communication

Julie Beischel; Arnaud Delorme; Leena Michel; Mark Boccuzzi; Dean Radin; Paul J. Mills
 Electrocortical activity associated with subjective communication with the deceased

Julie Beischel; Gary E. Schwartz
 Recepção Anômala de Informação Demonstrada por Médiuns de Pesquisa Usando um Protocolo Triplo-Cego Singular







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