Espiritualidade e Sociedade

Dr. Andrew Powell

>    The Contribution of Spirit Release Therapy to Mental Health

Artigos, teses e publicações

Dr. Andrew Powell
>  The Contribution of Spirit Release Therapy to Mental Health




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Science and Spirit

In much of today’s scientific community, soul centred therapies such as spirit release are regarded as pre-rational, belonging to an era of superstition overthrown by the Newtonian revolution of the last three hundred years. The subsequent consensus reality asserts what is ‘real’ and what is ‘imagination’, reality being comprised of a universe that is physical in substance. There is nothing ‘out there’ that is not either physical, or something imagined by the mind. Such a view holds no truck with ‘attached spirits’. How could there be a spirit without a body? This kind of material realism is essentially atheistic - there is no place for God or the angels, let alone spirit guides.

Yet the greatest scientists such as Albert Einstein have consistently shown awe and humility in the face of the unknown. They know that science throws a light on the mysterious workings of the cosmos, yet no more than the pool of light shed by a street lamp at night.

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Leia do Dr. Andrew Powell:

-> The Contribution of Spirit Release Therapy to Mental Health
-> Furthering the spiritual dimension of psychiatry in the United Kingdom
-> Psychiatry and Spirit Release Therapy


